
Alonzo King氏より

Giving, 人に何かしてあげる人には3種類の人がいる











とても幸運な事に、今日のパフォーマンスのあとに、Alonzo King氏のステージトークを聞く事がでただけではなく、個人的にもご紹介していただきました。15分ほどの中で拾った、心に残る言葉達、後日整理して、書きたいと思います。Artist、Artや創作の中で葛藤している人にはきっと響く言葉があると思います




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English is not my first language.

Though I do feel more comfortable with it than Japanese to express my emotions, I must admit that my English writing skill is not over the top. You will find that my grammar is not perfect. But I write my blog with my heart. I hope that you can feel it regardless my writing skill. 

Broken links

I have transferred blog system to my own software in April 2016. All posts prior to this transfer is in Japanese and some entries might be in private views only. Also, there could be broken links in these old articles, which was caused by system transfer as well. We are manually fixing these one by one. We are sorry for any inconveniences.