My inspirations + My life

You have time - One advice I want to share

Since I started on my path of naturally healing my Breast cancer, it’s become more apparent to others that I’m looking and feeling better and healthier. My friends and people around me started asking me to share my story or give tips & advice for their friends or family who have been diagnosed with cancer. If I had a chance to talk with a person who has cancer, who is just being di... 12

  You have time - One advice I want to share

ここ半年のこと - 乳がんの再発




  ご無沙汰しています。 なんと、前回の久しぶりの記事より、3週間以上が過ぎてしまいました。 この一ヶ月もまたバタバタしていて、書くことは本になるほどたくさんありますが、、、とりあえず掻い摘んで。 その内、順を追って書いていきたいと思いますが、大学病院で乳がんの再発を診...